I always say there’s no such thing as too early. The more time you give me, the easier the process will be for both of us. For full projects, I require 3 months to create the full design package before builders are brought on board. However, if you just need a quick consult, I can often schedule a 90-minute call within the week.
If all you know is that your current space just isn’t working, that’s all you need. Whether you have a vision or just an aversion, I sit down with you to help clarify your vision for the space and your aesthetic so we can find a way forward you’ll love.
Price depends on the offering you choose, whether that’s a simple design consultation or a full-service package, and the size of your space. For a more accurate quote, email me with more details about your specific project.
Personally, I love thoughtful minimalism that is grounded in nature. However, as a designer, I have no set style. Over the years, I’ve worked with clients across the design spectrum with wildly different tastes than mine, and enjoyed playing in a design sandbox so different from my own. Because in the end, I’m most concerned with how well it’s designed for your life, not how closely it resembles my personal home.
My process is based on your needs. Some of my clients simply want a designer they can talk to when they get overwhelmed with choices, or need a second, experienced opinion. Others want the whole project taken off their hands. When you call, we’ll work together to find out what service works best for you so you can have the space you deserve.